Autism - The Seed of Genius®

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child with clay This new approach was developed by Ronald D Davis, who found his own way out of "the void of autism".   This approach focuses and works on the symptoms of ASD rather than trying to identify its origins.

We are getting great results across a broad range of individuals, from children to adults, helping them to overcome learning difficulties, social difficulties and personal issues.

Every individual is different, but there are three areas where the characteristics of autism are most obvious:
- difficulty with social communication
- difficulty with social integration
- difficulty with social imagination.
There may also be a dependence of routine, a sensory sensitivity and a profound interest in some special subject.

The programme has three stages:


Individuation is the process humans go through to become aware of themselves.   This means they have to get all their senses into alignment and become aware of the world around them.   Autistic individuals have not done this fully, and we have various techniques to bring around this "orientation", depending on the client.   The person becomes aware of their body and "self" as just one thing.  

Identity development

This is something that is driven by instinct and with orientation will start by itself.   However, in real life this is a haphazard process that takes time.   This part of the programme creates a conceptual structure for learning that allows a foundation for new knowledge, new experiences and new behaviours that can be acquired more quickly.   Clay is used to explore these ideas and the client makes their own models in a guided process.

Social integration

When individuals are aware of other people they can actively interact with them for enjoyment.   They will begin to understand how to perceive other viewpoints and feelings and how they differ from their own.

"I believe the potential for genius in some form exists in all of us.   If only we have a foundation on which to build our thinking, and a goal we desire to achieve."
Ron Davis

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